Regional Futures - artists announced


Twenty-nine artists from across NSW have been announced as participants in the state-wide Regional Futures project.

Regional Futures is a two-year state-wide creative project funded by Create NSW and delivered by the NSW Regional Arts Network which represents 15 member organisations that support and promote artists and creative practice across regional NSW. At the heart of the project is collaboration across sectors bringing artists and other experts together, and exploring the future of the regions.

The artists will participate in a ten-week self-directed creative development program that will involve weekly online sessions with various thought leaders and studio visits from the project’s Creative Director. Regional Futures will culminate with the showcasing in Sydney of new works developed as part of the project.

Representing the Outback Arts region is Andrew Hull.

Andrew Hull is a writer and performer of poetry, prose and song.  He’s also an artist, photographer and musician who works solo and in collaborations with other artists.

From the “Back-O-Bourke” in Western NSW – Hully – as he’s more commonly known – is passionate and enthusiastic about the region he lives in and the people and stories that belong in that region.

Andrew has worked on a range of impactful projects in the region, including Outback Arts Living Arts and Culture publication, exhibition and film series ‘Our Stories’.

You can find out more about Andrew Hull here or view the Living Arts and Culture Project here.


2022 Outback Archies


Outback Outloud, Series 2 interview and workshops